Our society is serious about your security and privacy.
Member and Organization Privacy & Security
- Our platform is non-advertising based. You will not be targeted by advertisers. Your data will not be sold or provided to others.
- Members are ID verified and yet they can choose anonymity.
- Members are provided interactivity options and profile settings.
- Members cannot be discovered using search engines on our platform.
- Trolling and profile creeping cannot occur.
- All communication will be internally provided (the system will not expose your personal contact information).
- All member and organization data will be encrypted.
- Authentication values are one way encrypted and hashed – only you can logon as you.
- Mobility App data (Android, iOS) is stored on the device in an encrypted format.
- Our platform will provide a wipe feature to cleanly remove all data, history and our platform app from your devices.
Back-End Platform & System – Privacy & Security
- All data transport will be 2048 bit SSL encrypted.
- All data storage will be encrypted.
- All content and in-stream data will be virus scanned.
- Certain countries will be prohibited from accessing our website and platform to reduce attack footprint.
- Honeypots will be used to attract hacker “flies” which will result in IP address banning.
- Public Integration API’s will never be provided (no fake accounts or fake content posted).
- Excessive failed logon attempts will result in IP address banning.
- Port probing will result in IP address banning.
- Cloudflare will be utilized to protect against DNS attacks.
- Symantec Cloud will be installed on all servers.
- All servers will physically locked down, with UPS and diesel power backup.
- All data (encrypted) will be backed up to SSD drives, tape and offsite storage (disaster recovery).
- All hardware will be of commercial quality (Cisco, IBM or HP).
- All encrypted data storage is mirrored and hot-swappable.
- All servers will be internally managed.
- All servers will be load balanced for dynamic scaling and fail-over.
- Internet connectivity will be BGP fail-over based with 4 different backbone providers.
- High end Cisco based firewall and smart security switches will be utilized.
- Separate Development, Staging, Beta and Production environments will be utilized.